Shindou Ranmaru has just become a new investigator for Tokko: The Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he finally sees the half-naked girl that he had seen in his dreams in real life, Rokujo Sakura, and finds out that she's part of Tokko: The Special Public Safety Task Force. Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' death whose bodies had been ripped to pieces, along with others in a mysterious mass murder case in the rural town of Machida five years ago. The problem is, the murderers aren't human, and they are also after him...
Ranmaru Shindou. He dreams of a half-naked girl over and over and over again. I think he is a per.....if you know what I mean! ;)
Saya Shindou. Ranmaru Shindou's sister. However, she MIGHT be not what she seem to be!
Sakura Rokujo. The half-naked girl in Shindou's dream.
TOKKI's chief Kunikida. He is hot blooded and is trying to uncover the "monster"'s conspiracy!!!
This series has so much blood in it, I wonder if I even should do a screenshot review about it!
Shooting at them is as useless as throwing the gun at them!
These are the creatures that are possessing humans to do their EVVIIILLLL deeds!
No.12 of the 108 monsters that will appear to "eat" humankind! Are you dinner? breakfast or lunch? heheheheh
The TOKKI Squad that is hapless against the "devil's" minions!
The TOKKO Squad that will save humanity from the minion's of Hell! .......or is it really like that?
The TOKKO Squad in action! Watch them tear the minion's from hell apart. Limb by limb, parts by parts!
This is where it all begins for Shindou!