Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Final Fantasy : The Square Within.

Square Enix (formerly Square) is the GOD of making RPG's. The Final Fantasy series is really the best of the best. I have played Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (which is not really part of the Final Fantasy series), Final Fantasy I (give up after knowing that you need to play long hours just to get a level up!), Final Fantasy III(VI in Japanese), Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII. And now the most anticipated Final Fantasy : Final Fantasy XII (not to be mistaken by Final Fantasy X2). After watching a montage of Final Fantasy XII, it was so good that I intend to buy a PS2 just for it.
Once I get a PS2, I will buy the rest of the Final Fantasy series that I missed. Namely Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX , Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X2. Final Fantasy XI is online, and I doubt have the monetary resources to play it on the long term.
Anyway, to show how good is Final Fantasy XII here is some screen shots from the montage that I watched.

The Empire Strikes Back????

May the Square be with you!