Thursday, May 20, 2004

Fantasy vs Reality II & [華語版]神話兵器之絕世好劍

Continued from Fantasy vs Reality, I talk about my vision of fantasy. It wasn't remotely clear anyway. Anyway, time to explain in more details or something like that.
Fantasy to me is about imagination. Yes, imagination. I always imagine I live in a magical/mystical world, where people can fly, fight and do magic! Something like living in a Final Fantasy game. I would always imagine myself as the Hero (don't we all do?). More importantly, I owned the best weapon in my fantasy world. My weapon of choice is always a sword. And I almost always relate the sword to dragons! As for the name of the sword, it can be "Dragonbane", "Sword of Dragon", "Dragon Sword", "Bahamut's Soul" (note : Bahamut is the king of dragons) or anything that has the dragon word in it. I imagine a world where people fight to gain fame and to be No.1. That is my fantasy world.
You see, in reality I am just any other normal person. However, I do believe because of my imaginative nature, I don't like to do what normal people do. Case in point is my friends. They are your typical NORMAL human being. Normal people do what normal people do. Wake up, eat, work, sleep. Routine. Other thing they do is, worry about their job, worry about their girlfriends, worry about their boyfriends (for the girls), worry about their future...etc. I am almost just the opposite. I never worry about all this normal things. Mostly I do what I love to do and not what people want me to do. I love to watch TV. I watch TV. I love to talk about fantasy. I talk about fantasy. I like to drown myself in my "Utopia" world. I drowned myself in it. I want to talk with friends about fantasy but no one to talk to. They are never interested nor want to try to be interested. Understandable. Since they are NORMAL PEOPLE. I am NOT NORMAL.
Not normal in a sense that I can imagine myself "imagining" my friends "disappearing" from my fantasy world that I imagined! (you know I know lar)

to be continue......

[Chinese version][華語版]神話兵器之絕世好劍!
不要誤會,我並不是在講風雲故事裏“步驚雲之劍:絕世好劍”, 而是前部神話兵器之劍的意思。神話兵器裏我最喜歡的是劍!我玩RPG的時候,我第一個目標就是買劍或者是找劍!劍是神兵武器裏最多的!劍是個好武器!


在我夢幻世界裏,“龍神劍”就是天下第一,無劍能比, 是我夢幻世界的超級兵器!“龍神劍”之下的十三個兵器,有八個是劍,三個是矛和最後兩個是盾。八個劍是:紅豹劍,無名怪劍,鬼劍,天地劍,毒怪之天劍,十三美女劍,羅漢劍 和 無劍。三個矛是:山天水矛,龍鳳矛 和 盜矛。最後兩個盾是:笑盾 和 矛盾。但是,今天我先談劍!劍乃是兵器裏最多英雄用的武器!劍就是最重要的神兵器!龍神劍本來就是不是什麽特別的劍,而是應為這個劍在一万年前是個破劍。一万年前,有個英雄跟一條龍打鬥,但是這條龍太強了,這位英雄無用武之地,就被這條龍打得分身碎骨。這位英雄的劍也被這條龍打碎,只留下劍柄。而這支劍柄就被留在龍洞裏。一百年后,這條龍應為跟一位英雄同歸已經死了。這條龍死了之後,留下一顆龍珠。龍珠踫到劍柄而產生了反應,這支劍柄就慢慢的恢復原型。恢復的過程很慢,應為它用了五千年才恢復原型!恢復的劍就留在同裏多一千年。過後,被一位商人找到。這位商人就把這支劍帶在身邊。應為這支劍,這位商人的運氣增加百倍,他的生意在一年之間發揚寬大,變成最有錢的商人!但是,這支劍的龍氣太強了,這位商人應受不了龍氣而去世。這位商人去世后,他的兩位兒子爲了爭家產,不折手段的想辦法把對方除掉!這位商人的兩位兒子爭了七年,最後被身邊的人抹殺了!商人的兩位兒子被殺了之後,商人的家產被這兩位兒子身邊的人搶走了!而那支劍就落在其中一位搶那商人的家產的人。那位人想把那支劍買了,但是還沒買之前就被龍氣殺了。這支劍過後就過一手又一手,而每一位主人都死在龍氣之下!。
