Friday, April 08, 2005


A community project initiated by

Cheer up mothers tending to ill children. Find out how you can help. is a 700+ members online parenting and breastfeeding support group. In 2004, the group members have showered the mothers of ill children who were hospitalised in University Malaya Medical Centre with thoughtful and personalised gifts.

This year, on Mother's Day which falls on Sunday, May 8th, 2005, we hope to organise the same gifts giving project. There are about 200+ beds in total in UMMC paediatric section. Last year, we collected more gifts than expected and they were given away to the nurses in the paediatric ward on Nurses' Day and also to the geriatic (old people) wards. This year, we hope to collect more gifts so that we can give the surplus to other Government hospitals paediatric wards.

Therefore, we hope to get the support from the caring public and also MyMomsBest members to help us achieve this. Here is how you can help.

For more information please visit : PUBLIC INFO ON MOTHER'S DAY PROJECT

Brought to you by and 5xMoM