Kyo Sogoru is a high school student trying to revive his school Swimming Club. While he and his friend Kaminagi Misaki and another friend were filming a promotional video for his dying Swimming Club, he saw a girl about to dive off from the diving platform in the school pool. He rushed up the diving platform, the girl said something, but Kyo couldn't hear what she was talking about, then she disappeared. Later, at home while he was talking to Kaminagi at his balcony, suddenly a huge green light lighted up from inside his home, Kyo goes to investigate, what he finds was so shocking that he couldn't accept it.

Kyo Sogoru. He thought he was living in the "real" world. Just like Neo, he was shocked to find the truth beyond what he could have expected.

Ryo's childhood friend Ryoko Kaminagi.

Shizuno Misaki. She is Kyo's sub-pilot for Altair.

Ryo about to enter the "real" world (the world that was destroyed).

Kyo and Shizuno's mecha Altair.

Chris and Arque's mecha Hraesvelg.

Even if all humans are dead, they still are fighting the enemy in their digital state. Human's last stand. This is one of the "resistance" leader of Oceanus.

The battle ship Oceanus.

Zegatank. Mostly used for refueling the other Zega mechas.

Arque from the look of it had some data loss to her eye, which would make her incomplete and probably not stable.
Are you prepared to face the real truth? You probably also won't be able to stand the truth!

The only way out is maximum deletion from the server!


The real truth about humankind. Everyone is actually already dead!

Can you imagine that we are living in a Matrix-like world like Neo and Kyo?

The last of humanity, saved in digital format. Kyo.human anyone?

The real Maihama,which is actually destroyed.

The enemy will get your program and you if you lose.

They are rebuilding(?) Shizuno's program after she was grabbed by the enemy in the screenshot above.
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