Monday, September 19, 2005


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Aliens decided to come have a visit.

When there are Alien's knocking on our front door, is there a protocol to "greet" them? Well, Dr.Molly Anne Caffrey wrote one and it is call Threshold. Now, Threshold has been activated. Is the alien that is knocking on our door friendly or hostile? Page 45 of Threshold will tell you what to do if we are screwed!

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Threshold. What to do when aliens are knocking on our door!

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Dr. Molly Anne Caffrey. She wrote the protocols on how to handle the situation where alien's come a visit!

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Team Threshold

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J.T Baylock. Deputy Nasional Security Advisor.

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Leads the Tactical Team for Threshold.

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He is the doctor in the team. He probably can figure out how the aliens eat and sleep.

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He is the engineer in the team. He probably can figure out how a UFO works from the inside out and outside in.

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He is the translator. He probably can figure out what the aliens are talking about if they call home.

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The alien symbol that holds the key to what they are doing on earth.

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Humans with alien DNA. 4 bullets and still standing!

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