Thursday, November 17, 2005

Gilmore Girls - 10% Prediction Correct.

In my previous post, I predicted this :

Rory will not go back and stay with her mother. She will not go back to Yale. In fact, she might break up with Logan or not depending on how severe the affect of the argument that she and Logan had and how much of the old Rory came back after the heavy shelling from Jess. What she will do is, go stay on her own, write a book or try to get into a newspaper company or not and start to plan for her future which she lost it after Logan's father "crushed" her during her internship.

Well,after Episode 9(Season 6), out of all that prediction I made for Episode 8(Season 6), only this is correct :

....try to get into a newspaper company....

Gilmore Girls trumped my prediction. And I have never been able to predict more than 10% for the Gilmore Girls storyline. And I am very good at predicting! That's is why Gilmore Girls has 6 Stars and first on my Watching List!!!