Sorry for not adding any entry to my blog. I have been sick and currently still feeling a bit unwell.
Monday, May 31, 2004
Posted by kljs at 5/31/2004 12:18:00 PM ||
Monday, May 24, 2004
上一片 Fantasy vs Reality II & [華語版]神話兵器之絕世好劍, 我就談到龍神劍的殺人的龍神氣!
。。。。。這支劍過後就過一手又一手,而每一位主人都死在龍氣之下! 這支劍最後就被稱爲“死劍”,過後就被一位勇士為民犧牲,把他自己和“死劍”封在一個山洞裏。原以爲這位勇士是逼死無疑,就在這時候一位魔法師應知道“死劍”的神力,一時私心上身想把“死劍“的威力用來統一世界。那位勇士知道魔法師的惡意,就發誓要保護“死劍”與不要“死劍”落在惡魔法師的手上。但是,惡魔法師的魔法太強,易如反掌就把勇士打敗了!魔法師要拿走劍的時候,勇士用他最後的力量把“死劍”打斷成兩片過後就死了!惡魔法師見“死劍”已經斷成兩片,他的統一天下的夢就這樣消息,就應為這樣,惡魔法師一時接受不了現實,發揮了他全部的魔法把整座山和自己炸平了!惡魔法師不只是把山炸平,而山附近的幾個鄉村也被炸平,使到千多的人民慘死。過後,那個地方就被稱爲“死亡之地”。就這樣,“死劍”就這樣的消息在“死亡之地”。數百年過後,“死亡之地”應為“死劍”的影響,變化成一片比地獄更恐怖的地方!“死劍”的龍氣也使一些動物產生變化,變得很恐怖威猛。最恐怖的就是守護“死劍”的其中一片的怪物。這支怪物被稱爲“龍頭象身”,應為這支怪物身體像一支象而頭就像龍頭!“死劍”的另一部分,使被一只鳳凰守護。這支鳳凰不是動物變化的怪物,而是龍氣產生的怪物。鳳凰每年都死,而死了之後又復活,是世界上唯一死不去的怪物!“死亡之地”名不虛傳,迎來了英雄好漢,也迎來了惡魔鬼怪,全部都想得到鳳凰的“死又復活”的秘訣。可惜的,“龍頭象身" 和 鳳凰的實力強大,十有九死一傷,活的也只留下胖條生命,求生不得生,求死不得死!日子一天一天的過去,英雄好漢惡魔鬼怪兩方受嚴重的死傷和損失,悄悄的放棄了得到“死又復活”的秘訣的念頭。最後,只留下十三個追求者。三位勇士,八位魔法師,一位惡魔,一位劍士。十三位追求者,知道要單獨戰“龍頭象身”和鳳凰是不可能的。他們就合力戰“龍頭象身”,最後成功的打敗“龍頭象身”。雖然已打敗“龍頭象身”,但是十三位最求者傷的傷,死的死,留下惡魔,劍士 和 一位魔法師面對不死身的鳳凰。
Posted by kljs at 5/24/2004 12:49:00 AM ||
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Saving Angel? More like David Boreanaz "no heart" blues.
Since February when WB announced that they will not renew the hit TV series Angel for a sixth season, the Angel fans took up arms and "declared war" on WB. Did it work at all? From my point of view.
The answer is a big -> NO
From the saving Angel websites that appeared on the net, and, one can see that thousand's and possibly even more fans out there around the world jumped on the saving bandwagon to show WB, to show Joss Whedon, and most importantly to show the cast of Angel that they are doing a great job! Simply put it, the fans are hoping for a miracle and also hoping that their "fight" will move "hearts". It was not to be.
Even if WB "wants" to continue with Angel, the most important member of the cast David Boreanaz has indicated that he doesn't want to continue anymore. So, "Mission to save Angel" is a total wipeout failure. If so many fans around the world wasn't enough to move David's "heart", then unless god step in, the final episode of Angel will remain a cliffhanger until they make the "rumoured" Angel TV Movie.
In the end, the fans was let down by David. Now, the last hope is a miracle. And we all know what the possibilities of that happening. Until then, I hope "no heart" David can wake up and see that he owe it to the fans for one last season or so.
Posted by kljs at 5/23/2004 03:55:00 PM ||
Saturday, May 22, 2004
The Gundam's
Bandai Co. started a craze : Gundam. Gundam is the name for a huge robot mobile suit. The mobile suit is driven by a driver. These driver are not just normal humans, they are human with special abilities. They are call Newtypes. Another group of humans which have the same abilities as Newtypes are Enhanced Humans. However, pure Newtypes are better than Enhanced Humans.
Gundam's first hero is Amuro Rey. He is the driver for RX-78-2 G-2 GUNDAM. In the Gundam Universe, he is legendary. Later, when he got his newer Gundam which is the RX-93 v(NU)GUNDAM, using Nu Gundam, he and the leader of Neo-Zeon Char Aznable were able to save earth from a falling asteroid. However, Amuro and Char were never found. No one knows if both Amuro and Char are alive or not.
After Amuro, what follows is a list of Gundams that took the Gundam Universe by storm. Zeta Gundam driven by Kamille Bidan, ZZ (Double Zeta) Gundam driven by Judau Ashta, V Gundam driven by Uso Evin, Wing Zero Gundam driven by Heero Yuy, Gundam X driven by Garrod Ran, ∀ Gundam driven by Loran Cehack...etc.
I got to know about Gundam's while playing a game call Super Robot Wars. It is a great turn based strategy game. However, I play it because I want to get the Gundam's in the game. Everytime I play Super Robot Wars, I just play it because of the Gundam's. The latest available Super Robot Wars game that I could get is Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden. In this game, in almost every map, if available, I would deploy Amuro's Nu Gundam, Kamille's Zeta Gundam, Judau's ZZ Gundam, Heero's Wing Zero Gundam and Garrod's Gundam X.
Anyway, kudos to Bandai for creating such a good game.
Posted by kljs at 5/22/2004 01:05:00 AM ||
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Fantasy vs Reality II & [華語版]神話兵器之絕世好劍
Continued from Fantasy vs Reality, I talk about my vision of fantasy. It wasn't remotely clear anyway. Anyway, time to explain in more details or something like that.
Fantasy to me is about imagination. Yes, imagination. I always imagine I live in a magical/mystical world, where people can fly, fight and do magic! Something like living in a Final Fantasy game. I would always imagine myself as the Hero (don't we all do?). More importantly, I owned the best weapon in my fantasy world. My weapon of choice is always a sword. And I almost always relate the sword to dragons! As for the name of the sword, it can be "Dragonbane", "Sword of Dragon", "Dragon Sword", "Bahamut's Soul" (note : Bahamut is the king of dragons) or anything that has the dragon word in it. I imagine a world where people fight to gain fame and to be No.1. That is my fantasy world.
You see, in reality I am just any other normal person. However, I do believe because of my imaginative nature, I don't like to do what normal people do. Case in point is my friends. They are your typical NORMAL human being. Normal people do what normal people do. Wake up, eat, work, sleep. Routine. Other thing they do is, worry about their job, worry about their girlfriends, worry about their boyfriends (for the girls), worry about their future...etc. I am almost just the opposite. I never worry about all this normal things. Mostly I do what I love to do and not what people want me to do. I love to watch TV. I watch TV. I love to talk about fantasy. I talk about fantasy. I like to drown myself in my "Utopia" world. I drowned myself in it. I want to talk with friends about fantasy but no one to talk to. They are never interested nor want to try to be interested. Understandable. Since they are NORMAL PEOPLE. I am NOT NORMAL.
Not normal in a sense that I can imagine myself "imagining" my friends "disappearing" from my fantasy world that I imagined! (you know I know lar)
to be continue......
[Chinese version][華語版]神話兵器之絕世好劍!
不要誤會,我並不是在講風雲故事裏“步驚雲之劍:絕世好劍”, 而是前部神話兵器之劍的意思。神話兵器裏我最喜歡的是劍!我玩RPG的時候,我第一個目標就是買劍或者是找劍!劍是神兵武器裏最多的!劍是個好武器!
在我夢幻世界裏,“龍神劍”就是天下第一,無劍能比, 是我夢幻世界的超級兵器!“龍神劍”之下的十三個兵器,有八個是劍,三個是矛和最後兩個是盾。八個劍是:紅豹劍,無名怪劍,鬼劍,天地劍,毒怪之天劍,十三美女劍,羅漢劍 和 無劍。三個矛是:山天水矛,龍鳳矛 和 盜矛。最後兩個盾是:笑盾 和 矛盾。但是,今天我先談劍!劍乃是兵器裏最多英雄用的武器!劍就是最重要的神兵器!龍神劍本來就是不是什麽特別的劍,而是應為這個劍在一万年前是個破劍。一万年前,有個英雄跟一條龍打鬥,但是這條龍太強了,這位英雄無用武之地,就被這條龍打得分身碎骨。這位英雄的劍也被這條龍打碎,只留下劍柄。而這支劍柄就被留在龍洞裏。一百年后,這條龍應為跟一位英雄同歸已經死了。這條龍死了之後,留下一顆龍珠。龍珠踫到劍柄而產生了反應,這支劍柄就慢慢的恢復原型。恢復的過程很慢,應為它用了五千年才恢復原型!恢復的劍就留在同裏多一千年。過後,被一位商人找到。這位商人就把這支劍帶在身邊。應為這支劍,這位商人的運氣增加百倍,他的生意在一年之間發揚寬大,變成最有錢的商人!但是,這支劍的龍氣太強了,這位商人應受不了龍氣而去世。這位商人去世后,他的兩位兒子爲了爭家產,不折手段的想辦法把對方除掉!這位商人的兩位兒子爭了七年,最後被身邊的人抹殺了!商人的兩位兒子被殺了之後,商人的家產被這兩位兒子身邊的人搶走了!而那支劍就落在其中一位搶那商人的家產的人。那位人想把那支劍買了,但是還沒買之前就被龍氣殺了。這支劍過後就過一手又一手,而每一位主人都死在龍氣之下!。
Posted by kljs at 5/20/2004 08:46:00 PM ||
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Final Fantasy : The Square Within.
Square Enix (formerly Square) is the GOD of making RPG's. The Final Fantasy series is really the best of the best. I have played Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (which is not really part of the Final Fantasy series), Final Fantasy I (give up after knowing that you need to play long hours just to get a level up!), Final Fantasy III(VI in Japanese), Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII. And now the most anticipated Final Fantasy : Final Fantasy XII (not to be mistaken by Final Fantasy X2). After watching a montage of Final Fantasy XII, it was so good that I intend to buy a PS2 just for it.
Once I get a PS2, I will buy the rest of the Final Fantasy series that I missed. Namely Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX , Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X2. Final Fantasy XI is online, and I doubt have the monetary resources to play it on the long term.
Anyway, to show how good is Final Fantasy XII here is some screen shots from the montage that I watched.
The Empire Strikes Back????
May the Square be with you!
Posted by kljs at 5/19/2004 09:17:00 PM ||
[Chinese version][華語版]
美國人的想法很豐富,他們的神話世界正很引人入目。例如:Buffy the Vampire Slayer 的電視連戲劇,裏面的神話故事我很喜歡!但是,西方的神話世界也不賴啦!與其是中國的神話人物,我更欣賞!我應喜歡神話世界,可能就應為神話世界裏的奇妙的武器與神功!
魔戒首(Lord of the Rings)這個電影,讓我留口水!不論是魔法,武器或者是怪物,我很喜歡。其實,我小的時候,我就借促到關於這些神話的元素了!我記得我第一次借促到的是一個電腦遊戲,叫Death Knights of Krynn. 這個遊戲是角色演奏遊戲(Role Playing Game/RPG). 當初我就是被這遊戲裏的人物武器被迷住了!自從那時,我就不停的在玩角色演奏遊戲的遊戲。我最喜歡的角色演奏遊戲就是Final Fantasy了!談到也好笑,我就應為玩是應為遊戲裏面的武器和神功!不料,我玩的時候,我不是應為要爆機,而是要得到遊戲裏的每一個寶物,武器和秘訣。爲何我這麽喜歡遊戲的不重要點哪?我自己也不知道,可能就是應為那些武器和神功都有迎人矚目的名字!例如:Final Fantasy VI/III裏的武器的名:Ultima Weapon, Illumina, Atma Weapon 等等!我就很喜歡!
Posted by kljs at 5/19/2004 11:02:00 AM ||
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Fantasy? Where? & [華語版] 我的夢想在哪?
Where is the fantasy that I have been talking about? So far I have been talking about Wright brother's and airplane. I have been talking about Charmed. Doesn't sound too "fantasy" at all. Well, I am talking with myself. Of course it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
Well, actually, what I have been talking about is my "fantasy". Why? I like to talk about fantasy and how it affect the things and the people in this world. I like to watch TV series. I want to talk about the TV series I watched, but as I have mentioned in my previous blog entry, I don't anyone that is interested in talking about it. Not that I never tried at all, but just that, my friends will either change the topic or stop talking once I joined in or they don't watch TV series at all. So, pity me. I have no one to talk to.
I watch lots of TV series. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Charmed, CSI, CSI Miami, Alias...and a lot more. On the Asian side, I try to watch most of the TVB series. I also try to watch ATV series. To cut a simple story short, I will watch anything. However, after watching, I want to talk about it, but as I have already mentioned, I have NO ONE to talk to!
[Chinese version][華語版]我的夢想在哪?
我的夢想就是談我看到的和讀到的神話。看的就是在電視裏的節目!讀的就是武俠小説或則是中國神話的故事!我最喜歡的就是金庸小説裏的神話人物了!可能就不是人物,而是人物的絕招!例如:椅天屠龍記的陰陽神功! 我的夢想就是有機會寫神功!
看電視節目,我差不多什麽都看!美國電視連戲劇當中,我喜歡看Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel 和 Charmed! 這三個節目,應為有西方的神話人物和怪物,我又發白日夢了!我也很想跟我朋友談但是他們都不看美國電影的連戲劇,應為他們說不好看!呵!理由多多!他們不會欣賞才是真的!也不能怪他們,他們的英語很差!hahahahahahhahaaha.
我知道你們會在想 “哇!你好殘忍,這樣講你的朋友!你到底有沒有良心的哪?“
Posted by kljs at 5/18/2004 08:14:00 PM ||
Monday, May 17, 2004
[TV Talk]Charmed - The Cole Tragedy and [華語版]Piper&Leo's forgotten dream
Ok, now to get on with talking about the things I want to talk about and would love to talk about and about and about.......
I will start with a US Hit TV series Charmed. Charmed used to be one of my favourite TV series until the end of Season 4. That is when everything went downhill from there. First the writers kill off Cole. Ok, I can accept that to a certain extent,but I can't accept HOW they kill him off though. Cole was one very misunderstood person. And to make matters worst, his so-called soulmate Phoebe (one of the Charmed sister) also misunderstood him. Phoebe never did know the truth about what happen to Cole and never try to find out what really happen to Cole. If Phoebe and her two other sisters Piper and Paige went and find out what really happen to Cole, they would have know that Cole didn't become the Source in his own free will. He was manipulated by the Source that the Charmed Ones thought they have vanquished. However, it was not to be. The Charmed Ones had failed to understand and failed to find out about what happened to Cole. Last but not least, the Charmed Ones have forgotten what they are supposed to do and what they are NOT supposed to do. Maybe the argument is "Once a thief, always a thief.". So the Charmed Ones believed that no matter what Cole did, he is still evil. Even after Cole saved the Charmed Ones countless times. We chinese believes that "One Good Turn Deserved Another". But did Cole received any? I don't he did at all. He was misunderstood, given up by his soulmate, let down by friends, he got dust kicked into his face and worst of all he got vanquished TWICE by his so-called soulmate. It is just sad that a former EVIL demon that join the good side is treated like that. Doesn't he deserve any chance at all?
The above situation in real life is just the same as how people treat a criminal. Yes, you might argue that the vast majority of criminal don't deserve a second chance. I agree. They don't. But thinking about it, if these evil people does do some good, would you give them a chance? or will you keep on kicking dust into their face?
[Chinese version][華語版][The Cole Tragedy and Piper&Leo's forgotten dream]
美囯電視最受歡迎的Charmed(巫婆三姐妹)本來是我喜歡的電視節目。但是自從第八十八集過後,我越來越不喜歡在看了。應為我不喜歡寫編劇的作家把Cole "殺"了!Cole不是根本就不是一個壞人。但是巫婆三姐妹就沒有站在Cole的立場去明白他。最可恨的是三姐妹的Phoebe也就是他的妻子根本就不相信它不是一個壞人。
Posted by kljs at 5/17/2004 09:25:00 AM ||
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Fantasy vs Reality & [華語版]夢想與現實
Most people tell me that I think too much. I fantasize to much. I think about things that will never ever happen in reality or you can call it "real life". But what's wrong having a little fantasy to think about while worrying about reality? Sometimes, a little fantasy might help with the problems of reality! Believe me. Solutions can be found in fantasy while problems are always because reality is hard to accept. Some people can't accept reality. So they dream of their fantasy, but forgot that reality will always be there. To obtain a balance between fantasy and reality, one must accept reality as it is using a bit of fantasy to help solve the problem. The question now would be, can a little tiny bit of fantasy solve the problems of reality? Can we really rely on something that doesn't exist to solve problems that already exists?
I believe anything is possible in this world,but can fantasy and reality mix together? Can we really use fantasy to solve problems in reality? I think the best example of fantasy is drugs. People use misused drugs to RUN away from reality. That is NOT the way and NEVER WILL. WARNING : NEVER USE DRUGS.
My vision of fantasy is more of using the mind. Human mind is a very complicated organ. Since millions of years ago, human has been using the mind to invent/create/build/develop methods and gadgets. Lets take an example : a plane. Before the Wright brother's build build their first plane, the Wright brother's have a dream to build a flying machine. It will continue to be a dream if the Wright brother's didn't make the dream into reality. Isn't this a good example of a little fantasy solving problems in reality?
What if the Wright brother's didn't build their fantasy? I believe someone else would still build a plane, but it would be much later.
Maybe some people will disagree with my views about using fantasy to solve reality, however, thinking about it, isn't a dream just a fantasy until a dream become reality. Isn't this the best example?
[Chinese version][華語版]夢想與現實
飛在天空本來就是個夢想但是爲何我們現在能坐飛機衝上雲霄哪?當初如果沒有萊特兄弟的飛上天空的夢想,哪有現在的Boeing 747 哪?很多人會說“那也不一定,應為如果沒有萊特兄弟的夢想,會有別人也會有飛上天空的夢想。我贊成。應為如果沒有萊特兄弟,還會有被的人嘛!那也可能人類的飛上天空的夢想也會遲了!是不是?
Posted by kljs at 5/16/2004 04:26:00 PM ||
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Blogging and I
Hello, my name is Kenny Lee Jian Siong. I didn't want to follow the general trend that is now. Blogging. I never want to follow what people do. I only want to be myself. And yet I can't. I want to talk but there is no one to talk to. Everyone I know just aren't interested in the things I am interested in. My interest is talking about "possibilities"! So in order to fullfill my fetish, I choose to follow what people are doing. That is blogging. I found that I could go beyond imagination, beyond thoughts and beyond what I like to do. I could type down countless possibilities and yet not afraid that people would get bored about it. I believe there are people like me out there that like to talk about "possibilities". What is this "possibilities" that I am talking about? To me, I believe that this world is special with countless "possibilities". To other people, I believe the word is call "Fantasy".
The title of my blog is call Beyond Thoughts. Thinking out loud in this impossible yet beautiful world. And the countless "possibilities" this world holds.
[Chinese version](DUH, I am Chinese.)
Hello, 我的名叫李健雄。我本来並不想跟網絡的居民的风格,使用blogging。但是我沒辦法,應為我跟我的朋友跟本就有事也談不來。唯一的办法就是用blogging来对自己谈。对,我很爱谈话但是我谈的都不合我的朋友的口味。我爱谈的是幻想神话,不管是故事还是电影里的,我都想谈。應為我朋友都是比較現實的想法,我根本就談不來和合不來。你們說是不是?一個很想幻想神话的人,哪能跟現實想法的人談得來哪?我雖然是個很想幻想神话的想法的人,但是我會分黑白,不會把神話和現實迷混起來。
Posted by kljs at 5/15/2004 02:16:00 PM